VA Compensation Rates for 2024 – Possible Increases and Eligibility Requirements

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August 2024 has been a significant month for Social Security recipients across the United States. With millions depending on these payments to keep their finances stable, knowing when each payment arrives is crucial. For many, these payments are the difference between a smoothly managed budget and financial stress.

This month has had its regular Social Security payments but also a unique occurrence: an advance payment of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) due to the calendar’s quirks. Let’s break down what has already happened and what’s still on the way.


The month kicked off with an essential payment on August 1. Beneficiaries of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program received their payments, which are critical for individuals with limited income, seniors, and those with disabilities. This money helps cover basic needs like food, housing, and utilities, making its timely arrival all the more important.

The very next day, on August 2, Social Security recipients who have been receiving benefits since before May 1997 saw their monthly payment hit their accounts. This payment is a lifeline for many retirees who have been relying on these funds for years, helping them manage their living expenses for August.

Mid-August Payments

The first round of regular Social Security payments was made on August 14. This round was for beneficiaries born between the 1st and 10th of any month. For these recipients, the payment arrived right on schedule, offering them the financial certainty they need to plan their monthly expenses effectively.

The second round of regular Social Security payments went out on August 21. This batch targeted those born between the 11th and 20th of any month. By now, these funds should have reached the beneficiaries, helping them maintain their financial stability for the rest of the month.

What’s Still to Come

There are two more important dates to keep an eye on before August ends. The final regular Social Security payment for the month is scheduled for August 28. This payment will be for those born between the 21st and 31st of any month. Beneficiaries should be vigilant in checking their accounts to ensure the funds arrive without any hiccups.

SSI Advance Payment

On August 30, there will be an advance payment of SSI for September. This early payment is because September 1 falls on a Sunday, and Social Security doesn’t issue payments on weekends. For those who rely on SSI, this advance is crucial for covering early-month expenses without delay.


While knowing when your payments arrive is essential, knowing how they’re calculated can help you maximize your Social Security and SSI benefits. For instance, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is available to those who cannot work due to a recognized disability. The amount you receive from SSDI is primarily based on your work history before becoming disabled. The better your earnings record, the higher your monthly benefit.

As of August 2024, the maximum SSDI payment is $3,822. To ensure you receive the maximum benefit possible, keeping thorough records of your work history is essential. This includes ensuring that all documentation is up to date, which can prevent delays or issues with your payments.

Staying on top of these details can make a big difference in your financial planning, allowing you to get the most out of your Social Security and SSI benefits.

For millions of Americans, Social Security payments are a financial cornerstone. By staying informed about payment dates and knowing how your benefits work, you can better navigate your finances, ensuring stability and peace of mind.


When will the final Social Security payment for August be made?

August 28 is the last payment date.

Why is there an SSI payment on August 30?

September’s SSI payment is advanced due to September 1 falling on a Sunday.

Who received a payment on August 2?

Retirees receiving benefits since before May 1997.

How is SSDI payment calculated?

It depends on your work history before disability.

What is the maximum SSDI payment in August 2024?

It is $3,822.


James Anderson

Senior Editor at WBZA News - Based in Los Angeles, James holds a Master’s degree in Economics from UCLA. With over 10 years in financial journalism, he excels at breaking down complex finance topics, guiding readers toward smart, informed decisions.

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