SNAP Benefits – Apply Soon for $120 SUN Bucks in New York and California Before the Deadline

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If you haven’t automatically qualified for the new SUN Bucks program, a summer EBT initiative for school-aged children, there’s still a chance to apply. This program provides $120 for summer meals to eligible children, and many recipients, including those on SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid, have already received the payment. However, some eligible individuals may need to apply to ensure they get their benefits.

Application Deadlines

The application window for SUN Bucks is closing soon in both New York and California. Here’s what you need to know:

New York

In New York, eligible recipients have until September 3, 2024, to apply for their $120 payment. To qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
  • Household income must be at or below 185% of the federal poverty level, meeting the eligibility limits for free or reduced-price school meals.

If you believe you are eligible but didn’t automatically qualify, you can apply online through the official website of the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance: Summer EBT New York.


In California, the deadline to apply for SUN Bucks is even sooner—August 31, 2024. That leaves very little time to complete your application.

To apply in California, you need to:

  • Submit the Alternative Income Form if you receive free or reduced-price school meals but do not currently receive CalFresh (SNAP), CalWORKS, or Medi-Cal.
  • Ensure your household income is at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level.

It does not matter when you receive your card in August or September; once you’re deemed eligible, you will receive $120 per child from the SUN Bucks program.

How to Apply

If you haven’t received the SUN Bucks payment automatically, follow these steps:

For New York Residents

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to Summer EBT New York.
  2. Check Eligibility: Confirm that your child is enrolled in a participating NSLP school and that your household income is within the eligibility limits.
  3. Submit Your Application: Complete the online application form by September 3, 2024.

For California Residents

  1. Complete the Alternative Income Form: Obtain this form from your child’s school or the California Department of Social Services.
  2. Verify Your Income: Ensure your household income meets the eligibility requirement (at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level).
  3. Submit by August 31, 2024: Time is short, so apply immediately if you haven’t already.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the SUN Bucks program, applicants in both states must meet the following criteria:

  • Enrollment in NSLP: Your child must attend a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program.
  • Income Requirements: Your household income must be certified at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level. This requirement is the same for both New York and California.

If you meet these criteria and haven’t automatically received the payment, applying as soon as possible is crucial to avoid missing out.


  • Payment Amount: Each eligible child will receive a $120 payment to cover summer meal expenses.
  • Timing of Benefits: Whether you receive your card in August or September, the payment will be issued as long as you are eligible.
  • Application Urgency: With deadlines approaching rapidly, especially in California, act quickly to complete your application.

Next Steps

If you think you might be eligible, don’t delay:

  • Check Your Status: Make sure you’re aware of your eligibility and application requirements.
  • Submit Your Application: Use the provided links and forms to complete your application before the deadlines.
  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on any communications from state departments or schools to ensure you don’t miss any important updates.

By applying promptly, you can secure the financial assistance your family needs for summer meals.


Who automatically qualifies for SUN Bucks?

SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, or similar program recipients.

What is the SUN Bucks deadline in New York?

Apply by September 3, 2024.

What is the SUN Bucks deadline in California?

Apply by August 31, 2024.

How much will I receive per child?

Eligible children will receive $120 each.

How do I check if my child’s school participates in NSLP?

Visit your state’s education or NSLP website.

James Anderson

Senior Editor at WBZA News - Based in Los Angeles, James holds a Master’s degree in Economics from UCLA. With over 10 years in financial journalism, he excels at breaking down complex finance topics, guiding readers toward smart, informed decisions.

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