Major Change in Social Security Payments This September – New Mailing Dates for Retiree Checks

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The Social Security Administration (SSA) plays a vital role in ensuring that millions of Americans receive their deserved benefits on time. Each month, the SSA disburses payments to over 71 million beneficiaries, including retirees, survivors, disabled workers, and those receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). To manage this massive operation, the SSA follows a detailed annual payment schedule, allowing recipients to know exactly when to expect their funds.


The SSI program is crucial for around 5 million vulnerable Americans, including low-income seniors over the age of 65, disabled individuals, and children under specific financial conditions. This program helps recipients maintain a basic standard of living and avoid poverty. On average, SSI beneficiaries receive about $698 per month. However, the exact amount can vary depending on the filing category.

Payment Categories

SSI benefits are categorized based on the type of claimants:

  • Individuals: Those who filed as individuals could receive up to $943 per month.
  • Couples: Couples can receive up to $1,415 monthly.
  • Essential Person (EP): This category provides an additional payment of $472 per month to beneficiaries who meet certain criteria.

Given the complexity of the SSI program and the high denial rates, it’s advisable to consult with a financial advisor or a Social Security professional before filing a claim. This can help ensure that your paperwork is correctly submitted and that you know the benefits you’re entitled to.

Payment Changes

The Social Security payment schedule is generally consistent, but certain months may see adjustments due to weekends or holidays. September 2024 is an example of this, as the 1st falls on a weekend. As a result, the SSA rescheduled the payment for the previous business day, meaning SSI beneficiaries received their September payment on August 30th. This change led to double payments in August but no regular payment in September.

Here are the confirmed upcoming payment dates based on the SSA’s schedule:

MonthPayment Date
August (September)Friday, 30th of August
OctoberTuesday, 1st of the month
NovemberFriday, 1st of the month
November (December)Friday, 29th of November

If your payment doesn’t arrive as expected, it’s recommended to wait at least three postal days before contacting SSA customer service. Additionally, beneficiaries can access their My Social Security Account to download statements, request information, and check their monthly benefit amounts.

Payment Schedule

The SSA releases its payment schedule annually, ensuring all beneficiaries from the Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and SSI programs know when to expect their payments. The schedule for the year outlines five rounds of payments each month, beginning with SSI beneficiaries on the first day.

RSDI Payment Breakdown

For RSDI beneficiaries, the payment schedule depends on when they began receiving benefits and their birth date:

  • Pre-May 1997 Claimants: Those who started receiving benefits before May 1997 receive their payments on the 3rd of each month.
  • Post-May 1997 Claimants: These beneficiaries receive payments based on their birthdate:
    • Born between the 1st and 10th: Payments are made on the second Wednesday of the month.
    • Born between the 11th and 20th: Payments are made on the third Wednesday.
    • Born between the 21st and 31st: Payments are made on the fourth Wednesday.

This staggered schedule helps the SSA manage the large volume of payments and ensures that beneficiaries receive their funds on a predictable basis.

Knowing the Social Security payment schedule is crucial for managing your finances. With a clear view of when payments are due, beneficiaries can plan their budgets more effectively and avoid potential financial pitfalls. If you’re uncertain about your payment dates or have questions about your benefits, reaching out to the SSA or a financial advisor can provide clarity and peace of mind.


What is the average monthly payment for SSI recipients?

The average monthly payment for SSI recipients is about $698.

When do SSI beneficiaries receive their payments?

SSI payments are typically made on the 1st of the month unless rescheduled due to weekends or holidays.

What should I do if my payment doesn’t arrive on time?

Wait three postal days before contacting SSA customer service.

Can couples receive more than individuals under SSI?

Yes, couples can receive up to $1,415, more than individuals who can receive up to $943.

How are Social Security payments scheduled for RSDI beneficiaries?

Payments are staggered based on birthdate and whether benefits were claimed before or after May 1997.

James Anderson

Senior Editor at WBZA News - Based in Los Angeles, James holds a Master’s degree in Economics from UCLA. With over 10 years in financial journalism, he excels at breaking down complex finance topics, guiding readers toward smart, informed decisions.

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